May 9: Saint Pachomius, Founder of Cenobitic Monas.May 12: Saints Nereus & Achilleus and Saint Pancras.May 14: Saint Matthias, the 'Thirteenth Disciple'.May 15: Saint Dymphna, Patron Saint of the Mentall.May 16: Saint Peregrine Laziosi, Patron Saint of C.May 16: Saint Simon Stock & the Brown Scapular of.May 18: King Saint Eric, Patron Saint of Sweden.May 20: Saint Thalalaeus the 'Merciful'.May 21: Saint Cristobal Magallanes Jara & Martyrs.Saint Bede: 'You are a Chosen Race, A Royal Priest.Pope Benedict XVI: “On the Occasion of the Fourth.May 2: Saint Mariana de Jesús y Flores de Paredes.May 29: Martrys of Toulouse & Saint Theodosia of C.